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Anheier, Helmut K and David Winder. (2011). Innovation in Strategic Philanthropy: Local and Global Perspectives.  Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies. (Springer Science+ Business Media, NY USA).

Barrett, Richard D and Molly E Ware. (2002). Planned Giving Essentials. (Aspen’s Fundraising Series for 21st Century, USA).

Bishop, Michael and Michael Green. (2008). Philanthrocapitalism: How Giving Can Save the World. (Bloomsbury Press, New York).

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Cheng, Willie and Sharifah Mohamed. (2010). The World That Changes the World: How Philanthropy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship are Transforming the Social Ecosystem. (John Wiley & Sons Asia Pte Ltd. Singapore).

Cheng, Willie and William D Green. (2008). Doing Good Well: What Does (and Does Not) Make Sense in the Non-Profit World.( John Wiley & Sons Asia Pte Ltd. Singapore).

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Fiennes, Caroline. (2012) It Aint What You Give, It’s the Way That You Give It. (Giving Evidence, London)

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Coaching Success Tips for Professional Advisors: Being Present Brings More Income

Have you ever noticed the best client meetings are those where you let the client lead and you don’t say much but listen and ask more questions? You don’t multitask; you don’t try to think ahead; you don’t pass judgement; you are simply present. There is huge success in presence. Giving people your undivided attention motivates them to work with you. By being fully present with them you are showing them the love that they crave.

One of my favorite coaching clients was a modest man who sold insurance but had never experienced even a six-figure income. Dale had a heart for people. He had the drive to achieve and he was diligent in his study of financial planning strategies, insurance solutions and selling techniques. He had the makings of a top adviser.

What he lacked was the ability to shut out the personal demons that barraged him constantly with “You’ll never be a success. You came from a poor family. You’ll always be poor. You can’t handle success.”

During a personal interview he told me that while he aspired to accomplish more he felt inferior to others in his industry. He worried a great deal over his financial future.

What Dale lacked was the ability to shut off the voices from the past and the future and listen only to the voice that empowered him to be in the present moment. When he discovered how to shut off the dis-empowering thoughts in his head and focus intensely on the moment his sales sky-rocketed.

Shutting off negative voices when life storms are raging is not an easy task but after a few coaching sessions Dale recognized he had to take control of his thoughts if he was to achieve his income potential. You can use the same techniques to put yourself in a present state of being. When you learn these simple techniques you will find your meetings to be far more enriching for both you and your customer. Listed below are three of the ten techniques Dale learned through coaching sessions.

    1. Start by relaxing your entire body. Being fully present involves your body, emotions and mind. Visualize a great client meeting. As you do, move your energy through your entire body from your head to your feet. The way to do this exercise is to focus on each part of your body starting with your head and moving downward to your feet. Visualize a stream of liquid energy coursing through your body until you feel completely relaxed.
    2. Take five minutes to do some slow deep breathing. Breathing helps oxygenate your brain and relaxes your body. It expands your internal sense of self so you can feel the sensation of being high on life energy.
    3. Be yourself and let go of perfectionism. Nothing attracts people like authenticity. Be real. Give up the idea that you have to be perfect or say things perfectly in order to be effective. Effectiveness is not about your performance. It is about helping your customer get what they truly want.

Author, teacher and business coach Rebecca Stone is turning attorneys and financial advisers right-side-up with her Attorney Alliance Marketing System. This one of a kind system helps professionals get a steady stream of ideal clients at a price they can afford.

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What Professional Advisors Do In Business

Who are you going to call?

Professional advisors are the experts a business owner or manager will call to help them solve a difficult or new problem. Instead of trying to find the right answers yourself, it is easier, and often wiser, to phone a business advisor to get the benefit of all their years of experience solving problems for a wide range of organisations.

What the advisor will do for you

If you have selected the right advisor that has the right combination of industry experience and professional qualifications the advisor will be able to quickly;

  • Review your current business situation
  • Advise on any immediate actions that need to be taken to prevent or reduce more damage
  • Determine a range of suitable options to solve your problem
  • Inform you of the outcomes, positive and negative, of each option
  • Let you make your own decision
  • Then provide support to implement the selected option

Why it is a great idea to know an advisor

Imagine how long you would need to spend in training courses and working in the industry to build the knowledge your business advisor has gained from their years of practical experience.

The advisor needs to stay industry and professionally current by watching all the news and events of their chosen fields, while you spend that time running your business instead.

Like a mechanic, you only need to pay them to fix a problem, and not an annual wage waiting for something to fix.

Choosing the right advisor

There are many people claiming the professional advisor title and it can be difficult to know if they are able to solve your problems. Here are some things to help you select the suitable advisor;

  • Ask for specific experiences in similar businesses and organisations like yours.
  • Find out how they stay current with industry changes
  • Do they hold the relevant formal qualifications to match your current problems
  • Can they explain your situation and options in plain english
  • Ask for the three latest references they have serviced and contact them all to check the advisors professional behaviour and methods.

One important last word on advisors

You need to trust the advisor as you will be discussing your business performance and confidential data in the hopes that you can fix the problem, not create a new problem.

If you are relying on the advisor to help fix your organisation and follow their recommendations it could be expensive if they are wrong or provide poor advice that causes damage to your business.

Ensure that they hold all the relevant insurances and membership to professional associations required in the country or state you operate in.

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